Customer Service & the Internet of Things: How APIs, Speech Recognition Are Taking Things to the Next Level
Chatbots can help customers with a range of things - including presenting them news based on specified criteria...Read More >>>
INSIDE Every Issue
Call Recording
There are a wide variety of applications for call recording. It can be used for compliance, to capture agent conversations with customers in the call center and used later for coaching, to better understand customers, and to help people in all parts of a business to remember what was shared in conversations and meetings. Here's a quick rundown of what some of the companies that offer recording solutions and features are providing on this front. - 06/17/2016
The Human Touch: Why Artificial Intelligence Can't Replace the Customer Service Agent
Artificial intelligence has existed in some form for more than 20 years. But only recently has it taken on a more futuristic form, similar to what we tend to picture based on what we see in movies. As machines and robots become more intelligent, people are beginning to wonder if AI will take over certain jobs. - 06/17/2016
Making the Most of Digital-First Government Engagement: How to Go Beyond Critical Mass Adoption & Gain Real ROI
The past year was pivotal for digital customer engagement as government agencies exploited the power of the web to support channel-shifting services. However, most are not fully realizing the economic benefits of their digital strategies, as the focus has been on making content and services available online vs. finding actionable and innovative ways for citizens to engage digitally. - 06/17/2016
Workato Brings Enterprise Apps Together
Workato for the past two years has been offering a cloud automation service that bridges various enterprise applications. It enables different enterprise applications to sync data and prevents users from having to jump from one application to another to do their work. - 06/17/2016
How to Resolve Complaints for Competitive Advantage
As e-commerce thrives and social media interaction has become the norm, businesses have been forced to dramatically change the way they interact with customers. The demand for speed, transparency, and convenience has never been more apparent, and companies have to deal with a higher level of customer complaints, making it an unavoidable part of business. - 06/17/2016
How to Avoid Social Spamming
The inside sales profession is undergoing a massive shift. Once based largely upon cold calls and email, inside selling today is largely digital, and social networking has been a great enabler. Today's inside sales rep has unrestricted access to both the Internet and professional social media networks liked LinkedIn. This has made it easier than ever to find targeted prospects and reach out. The danger lies in reaching out too much. - 06/17/2016
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Meet the Editorial Team
Rich TehraniCEO, TMCSince 1982 Rich has led TMC© in many capacities. Rich Tehrani is an IP Communications industry expert, visionary, author and columnist. He founded INTERNET TELEPHONY® magazine...Read More >>> |
Paula BernierExecutive Editor, TMCPaula Bernier is Executive Editor at TMC where she writes, edits and manages editorial content for INTERNET TELEPHONY, IoT Evolution, and CUSTOMER magazines...Read More >>> |
Erik LinaskGroup Editorial Director, TMCErik oversees the editorial content and direction for all of TMC. Erik has contributed literally thousands of features during his 5-year tenure, with a focus...Read More >>> |