Brands like KFC, Heineken, Jaguar, McDonald’s, Henkel, L’Oréal and many others have a unique common denominator in 2023, in terms of their respective marketing efforts:
That denominator? Storyteq, a company that’s part of Team ITG and its consultancy of brand-transforming digital performance experts.
Storyteq is a Gartner award-winning platform for Creative Automation. The company helps marketing teams from top brands automate their production of creative assets while activating on-brand and highly scalable marketing campaigns.
Essentially, Storyteq is a one-stop-shop for modernized content; via its platform (that is AI-powered, self-serve and intuitive), brands are able to generate multiple variations of creativity-driven assets and localize multichannel (or even omnichannel) marketing promotions.
Earlier this week, Storyteq officially launched Brand Portals, its creative production hub to help brands localize and activate global campaigns even faster. Through this Brand Portals – a centralized place for brands to adapt their messaging and easily power their local marketing – the goal is to empower on-brand storytelling with AI and significantly increase brands’ ROIs. And this truly is significant, especially given research from G2’s Learn Hub that shows how brands that maintain uniform messaging across applicable channels see an average growth rate of 33%. And since at least 10% of global consumers are absorbed more by dynamic visuals than just walls of text, better branding (courtesy of Storyteq) can contribute to overall boosts in revenue.
The long-story-short of it? Marketing designs matter, and campaigns must hit a one-two combo of airtight and adaptable in order to incentivize, as well as to build and sustain trust.
Take BMW and Kia, two other brands riding the Storyteq train. In a matter of just a few weeks, more than 9,000 digital assets were created for BMW, delivering roughly 50% time-savings per campaign in which said assets were utilized. As for Kia, its Manager of Dealer & Tactical Marketing Ben Risdale, said it best:
“Storyteq’s marketing portal allows us to offer our dealer partners a comprehensive suite of on-brand and consistent marketing assets,” Risdale explained. “This, to us, is invaluable. It helps us provide useful solutions to those dealer partners to maximize their business performance with real efficacy.”
Storyteq, as its CEO Lennard Kooy, describes, “acts as the technology engine for game-changing ways that brands can deliver.”
With Brand Portals, more localization and more engagement (without stretched-thin budgets or extraneous resources) is made possible. And in an age when the power of digital storytelling (and the potential gold mines therein) is arguably at one of its peaks, seizing the day and optimizing marketing drives with AI is a hugely worthy investment.
Edited by
Greg Tavarez